Inventor and licensee of TEMAVI process


Thank you for choosing René St-Cyr Enterprise Flooring and Stairs brand hardwood flooring boards.

We recommend you have your floor installed by a professional or a qualified hardwood flooring installer. You can also install your hardwood floor yourself by closely following the instructions provided by one of our representatives.

Wood is a hygroscopic material, meaning it absorbs humidity from the air. To avoid irreparable damage, store hardwood flooring material in an area that remains relatively stable at 45 to 50% relative humidity and between 18 and 24oC (65 to 75o F).

Further recommendations:

  • Let hardwood flooring boards acclimatize for about seventy-two (72) hours before installation.
  • Do not store flooring boards in places like the garage or basement or in any room that is unheated or near a heat source like a wood stove.
  • Finish painting, sealing joints, and laying cement in the basement before receiving your flooring boards.

Humidity levels play a big part in the successful installation of a hardwood floor. If humidity levels are too high, the wood expands and swells. If humidity levels are too low, the wood shrinks (its volume decreases) and it could retract. That’s why it’s important to take accurate measures and keep an eye on humidity levels.

Hardwood floors expand and contract with the seasons and heating cycles. Boards may move apart slightly, leaving small spaces at certain times of year, even if the floor was well-installed. These spaces are not covered by warranty.

We recommend using a humidifier during colder, drier months when central heating is on in order to control variations in humidity levels. This will limit how much flooring boards contract, which can happen when wood and/or electric heating systems dry out the surrounding air. For humid and even very humid conditions, dehumidifiers and air conditioners can be used to protect your floor. Occasionally turning the heat on can also lower humidity levels.

Talk to one of our representatives before installing a hardwood floor in a new house.