- Salon Chalets et Maisons de campagne de Québec 2011 – Booth # 601 (Centre des congrès de Québec - January 20-23) www.salonchaletquebec.com
- SURFACES 2011 - Booth # B8559 (Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada - January 25-27) www.surfaces.com
- Salon Chalets et Maisons de campagne 2011 - Booth # 700 (Olympic Stadium in Montreal - February 10-13) www.countryhomeshow.com
- Salon Habitat Ville & Banlieue 2011 - Booth # 700 (Olympic Stadium in Montreal - February 24-27) www.salonhabitat.ca
- Salon Expo Habitat Mauricie 2011 - Booth # 313-314-315 (Colisée de Trois-Rivières - March 10-13) www.expohabitatmauricie.com
- Salon National de l’Habitation 2011 – Booth # 1836 (Place Bonaventure in Montreal – March 18-27) www.salonnationalhabitation.com
- NWFA 2011 Annual Wood Flooring Convention and Expo (Marriott San Diego Hotel & Marina and Omni, San Diego, California, April 27-29) www.nwfa.org
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